A win-win-win for consumers, farmers and the environment

In my last post I wrote about my visit to Honduras where I met independent smallholders preparing to join Fair Trade.  One of the farmers, Faustino, told me how preparing for Fair Trade helped him and his community to save water and reduce pollution, while improving the quality of coffee. As Faustino mentions in theContinue reading “A win-win-win for consumers, farmers and the environment”

“Things are changing” – Farmers in Honduras prepare for Fair Trade

Last week, I visited smallholder coffee farmers in the Department of Copan in Honduras, one of the most beautiful regions in the country.  We are working with more than 100 farmers in Copan who want to join Fair Trade but who are not part of a cooperative or other farmer organization who could get FairContinue reading ““Things are changing” – Farmers in Honduras prepare for Fair Trade”